How To Clean Porcelain Kitchen Sinks Easily

A porcelain kitchen sink can get dirty quickly. Even though water is always flowing through the drain, it can clog in soaps and other food particles.

No one wants to have a smelly kitchen because it may attract houseflies. As such, it is crucial to keep your sink clean to ensure your house remains pristine and free from bad odors. Here are some easy steps on how you can clean your porcelain kitchen sink.

How To Clean Porcelain Kitchen Sinks

Here are  Some Instruction to Make Everyday Routine

Clean with Warm Soapy water

If left unattended, porcelain sinks can accumulate some stubborn stains. You can clean your sink with some warm water using a sponge.

Apply some liquid soap on the sponge before embarking on the scrubbing process. Also, ensure to use the rough side of the sponge to get better results.

The warm water will also help to unclog any trapped materials from the sink. Warm water removes any greasy substances that could be stuck on the surface of the sink.

Ensure to clean using this method every day after washing your utensils, and you will maintain your sink in pristine condition.

Chemical Cleaning Methods

1) Use Bleach

Before using bleach, be sure that your porcelain is not colored because you don’t want to have the colors fade.

If it is white, then the next step is to spray bleach all over the sink. If you do not have a sprayer, then you can dip a white kitchen towel in bleach and then spread it on the sink.

Let the bleach sit for say half an hour. By the time thirty minutes are over, most of the stains can be scrubbed off using a sponge or even a soft brush.

Ensure to rinse with clean water. However, be sure to put on a pair of gloves before touching bleach otherwise you may end up with severe burns. Also, open up the windows in the kitchen to avoid inhaling the bleach.

2) Give your sink a Touch of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic can quickly get rid of any stains on the sink. You need some water say 250 milliliters. Then mix with an equal amount of hydrogen peroxide and shake well before use.

Then spray the solution on the porcelain sink. Allow the mixture to remain on the sink for about five minutes. Then use a kitchen sponge to scour out any stain. Finally, rinse off with some warm water.

3) Baking soda

Baking soda has some coarse particles that can act as a mild abrasive. For the baking soda cleaning method, pour about 200 grams of baking soda on your sink.

Ensure the sink is slightly wet to allow the baking soda to stick on the surface of the sink. Let the baking soda powder remain in the sink for about thirty minutes.

Then use the scrubby side of your sponge to scrub off the stains or particles that have loosened by now. Then rinse off with some hot water.

4) Vinegar

Vinegar has been used for decades as a cleaning agent. Unlike other cleaning agents, vinegar is non-toxic and should be a must-have in any kitchen.

To clean your porcelain sink with vinegar, you should mix about a cupful of vinegar with liquid soap in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution all over your sink and let it rest for about an hour.

By now, any grime that was on the sink is loose. Scrub it off with a sponge and rinse with either cold or warm water.

Natural Cleaning Methods

1) Use lemon and salt

Lemon and salt are readily available in any kitchen. You can make use of them to make your porcelain kitchen sink pristine. Cut the lemon into halves and pour some salt on the inside cut part.

Coarse sea salt is best to use because it can scrub better. Now use the lemon with some salt to rub every part of the sink. Put more emphasis on the stained sections. Then, you can rinse with some water.

Another method of using lemon and salt is by squeezing the lemon juice into a bowl. Collect about a cupful of lemon juice. Add the salt and pour it around the kitchen sink.

Let it rest for say twenty minutes. Then dip a sponge in soapy water preferably warm water and scrub. Finally, rinse off with clean water. Salt and lemon are best for removing rust stains.

Tips to Avoid stains on your Porcelain Sink

Instead of waiting for your sink to stain, you can have it always shiny. Follow these tips for an ever-clean sink.

  • Avoid leaving dirty utensils overnight. When dishes stay on the sink for a long time, there is a likelihood of oil sticking on the sink. Worse still, it could clog the sink and could easily lead to bad smells.
  • Avoid pouring colored liquids such as fruit juices on the sink without rinsing off otherwise; you will end up with stained porcelain.
  • After cleaning oily stuff, always rinse off the sink with warm or hot water to prevent them from staining it.
  • Use porcelain polish to give your sink a good shine once in a while. The polish can be easily applied by following the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter.
  • Rub some scented oil on the sink. The oil will not only give your kitchen a pleasant smell but will also prevent stains from sticking on the porcelain.
  • Replace your porcelain kitchen sink once the color has faded or it has served you for a couple of years. Old kitchen sinks make your kitchen look unattractive.

Watch the video about How to Clean Porcelain Sink

Final words

It is possible to have your porcelain kitchen sink remain clean and shiny at all times. To achieve a clean look, you have to clean the sink with warm soapy water every day after washing your utensils.

Once in a while, you can use vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or your preferred bleach to clean off the stains. You can also use lemon with salt to scrub. Also, replace the porcelain sinks once they are old and the colors have faded.