Best Cleaning Tips For the Kitchen-Keep Kitchen Healthy

Cooking is not just a work but a skillful art for every cook-loving person. In the kitchen room, different kinds of delicious items are made using various types of cooking tools.

That’s why it is necessary to clean your kitchen room regularly. It helps you maintain a healthy life and keep you safe from unnecessary stress.

Regular cleaning is a perfect way to keep your family happy and healthy and make your home feel heavenly. If you are aiming at having a sparkling kitchen room, you are on the right track to follow.

Here I am going to share some best cleaning tips for the kitchen and you can try them out. Let’s have a comfortable discussion about this topic.

Clean your cutting board in an appropriate way

To keep your stomach safe from bacteria or other germs, you need to follow the right way to clean your cutting board. If it is made of plastic or glass, use the dishwasher to have a safe cleaning.

Woodcutting boards should not be washed with a dishwasher. It may get cracked. Use lemon or coarse sea salt to clean the woody board.

White vinegar and baking soda are other options for cleaning. You can use hot or soapy water for normal cleaning. Let it stand upright so that it can get dried with air automatically.

White vinegar acts smartly to remove odor generated from onion, garlic, or other materials. Baking soda can be used to get rid of different kinds of marks.

Wash your floor with a natural cleaner

The kitchen floor is very important to clean. Wash it in such a way so that it looks shiny. Use a small amount of white vinegar in a bucket of water.

Vinegar prevents your floor from getting scratched with harsh chemicals. The bad odor will get vanished and a glittering look on your floor will charm you for sure.

You can also use half a cup of baking soda into two buckets of water to clean your kitchen floor. You can use a toothbrush to pick up stains from floors.

Clean your dirty cabinets

No one will prefer to look at a dirty cabinet. By using just two ingredients, your cabinet can get back its sparkling looks. Take one part of vegetable or mineral oil and two parts of baking soda.

Now, mix them in a bowl. Make paste according to your needs and apply directly to your grimy cabinets.  You can use a toothbrush to clean hard-reached areas of cabinets.

Besides, to clean other sides, you can use your fingers, cloth, or any sponge. Happiness will pop into your mind when you have a look at clean and shiny cabinets.

Make your microwave free from food spills

Microwave is small space and is daily used in many households. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and two tablespoons of vinegar and place the mixture in the microwave.

Let it be like this for 5 minutes. When time is finished, don’t open the door of microwaves. Wait for two or three minutes more. Let the steam of the mixture acts like magic.

It will be easier for you to wipe stuck when steams will help you loosen it. Then take a soft sponge and clean the inner parts of the area.

Wash greasy stovetop

Your stovetop may have been dirty with greasy materials when you are cooking. When you finish your cooking, you can wash it with a bleach-free cleaner.

Just sprinkle it on the stove and rub it with any hard sponge. All dirt will vanish away in just a few minutes.

Clean the dishwasher rack

You can use hot water and clean the dirty dishwasher with a toothbrush. White vinegar can be used too.

You can also use powdered lemonade mix in hard water.  Don’t forget to pull out the shelves when cleaning a dishwasher.

Clean knife

While you are cutting vegetables or fruits with a knife, it can get stacked with residuals. Don’t wash it with water. The sharpness of knives gets decreased in washing with water. Take soft clothes and wipe your knife when finished cutting.

Clean garbage disposal

Your garbage disposal might be in horrible condition after a certain period of time. Now I am sharing the easiest way to clean it and make it odor-free.

The ingredients you need are baking soda, coarse sea salt, lemon water, and some pieces of ice. You will also need to have some hot water in your hand including an old unused toothbrush.

Mix a half cup of baking soda with some hot water. You can add a cup of white vinegar with it. Let it remain like this for a few minutes.

Then pour the hot water and rinse it for some time. To make it odor-free, you can use lemon. Not many people will prefer to use their hands-on dirty disposal. You can use a toothbrush or hand gloves to save your hand from dirt.

Make your freeze deodorize

Try to clean your freeze once a week. To make it odor-free you can place some brewed coffee grounds on a plate or bowl.

Sweet fragrance will sprinkle on your refrigerator. Besides, you can clean inside of your freeze thoroughly with baking soda and vinegar to keep it germ-free.

Best Kitchen Cleaning Tips!

Wrap Up

As a responsible housewife, you will love to keep your kitchen free from all germs and look fresh. People will make the idea of your tastes and personality, while they are looking at your kitchen room.

Furthermore, cleaning is the best way for you to provide a healthy and safe life for your family members. That’s why you must know the best cleaning tips for the kitchen.

Here you have it. In this article, I describe some cleaning techniques and components that you already have. Follow them and make your cleaning room fresh and use some best cooker and enjoy nice food.