How to clean range hood ducts shouldn’t be your common question, if you take care of your range hood regularly. As an owner of a lovely clean kitchen, you’re supposed to know the golden rule of a healthy kitchen.
However, things are not easy for everyone. You might require cleaning your range hood duct sometimes. Cleaning once a month or sometimes twice a year. Note that, it largely depends on the cooking space.
The latest kitchen comes with frequently changing designs. In addition, if your kitchen is narrower, there is a bright chance to collect oil greased as opposed to wider ones.
Well, that’s not a big deal. We can tell you the best method to clean range hood ducts. While you clean range hood ducts, don’t ignore fand and filter (we’re also going to cover these two in this content).

How to Clean Range Hood Ducts
To cut the story in short, cleaning range hood ducts is not a big deal at all. Before applying any cleaning, check the types of product and the brand you’re using.
Earlier, the hood, duct, fan, and filter are assembled in a way that was a daunting task to clean and reassemble. Luckily, the latest models appear with a big relief. They come with a sophisticated design while the structure is straightforward.
So, you can un-mount them and clean them by yourself. No need to call any cleaning service providers. This content will save you a lot of money by telling you how to clean the range hood duct. You’ll also learn how to clean the fan and filter.
How to Clean Range Hood Ducts
In general, the method for cleaning ducts, fans, and filters may vary for sure. However, the basic need for the cleaning remains the same. So, before you get going, find the following things.
- Hot water and baking soda
- Range hood cleaner
- Spray or grease removal liquid.
- Un-mounting tools
- Paper towel
- Hand gloves
Step 1: Unmount the Duct Pipe Extension
Use appropriate unmounting tools to unmount the duct pipe extension from the range hood carefully. Put it on the kitchen sink to allow the grease to pass out. Remove remaining resides. Use a paper towel to make it flawless.
Step 2: Remove Oil from the Pipe
After removing grease from the pipe, concentrate on the cleaning oil. In this case, you can use a cookware cleaning pad along with hot soapy water.
The pad should be soft. If you find the solution complicated, you can use range hood cleaner for more convenience. However, hot soapy water will give you maximum cleaning output.
How to Clean Kitchen Exhausted Fan
The exhausting fan is one of the few things that is often ignored while keeping it clean will return you more. The method of cleaning an exhausting fan is straightforward and takes little time.
To begin with,
- Separate the blades and the motor from each other.
- Use the spray and rub it gently. (You can opt for range hood cleaner or degreaser spray).
- Put the blades on the hot baking soda.
- Allow them 5 to 10 minutes at best.
- Scrub them with a silicon or rubber brush. Now, see the changes.
How to Clean Range Hood Filter
Be it ducted or non-ducted, the range hood filter requires to be cleaned occasionally. To clean, first separate it from the range hood. Removing is a piece of cake.
Step 1: Manage A Big Mouth Container
The container should be big enough so that you can put the entire filter in it. The best example can be a bucket, casserole, or BPA-free plastic. After putting the filter in it, fill it with hot soapy water.
Preparing Solution: Combine 1 tablespoon soda with 2L or a maximum of 2.5lr. water.
Step 2: Wait At Least 15 Minutes
After putting the filter under the hot soapy water, wait at least 15 minutes – sometimes 20 minutes. Make sure the filter is laid horizontally. Thus, you can save some baking soda.
Step 3: Use Brush to Clean
Once you follow the above step, your filter is supposed to get ready for cleaning. Now, take a brush and scrub gently. A medium-hard brush would be perfect for this task.
Step 4: Lift and Let the Filter Dry
You’re at the end of the cleaning. To conclude, lift the filter from the solution and let it dry. Once the processes are done, you can now reassemble the filter.
Final words on Cleaning Range Hood Ducts
We’re trying to cover how to clean range hood ducts. Cleaning the duck is not enough for a healthy neat and clean kitchen. You should also look at the exhausted fan and filter too. The processes of cleaning them are pretty easy.